Oswald Chambers writes, "We can all see God in exceptional things, but it requires the growth of spiritual discipline to see God in every detail. Never believe that the so-called random events of life are anything less than God's appointed order. Be ready to discover his divine designs anywhere and everywhere.”
Lord, I want to see You in every detail, every leaf, every blade of grass, every step I take, every breath, every revolution of the wheel, every kiss, embrace, handshake, word, work will and wish of my heart. Thank You for blessing me with such a powerful sense of your presence this morning as I was running through the trees and the light was just coming up above the horizon.
In the past few days I have seen and heard so much that you are doing, it’s hard to write any of it down, but I will try.
I have seen a man in the midst of a terrible financial crisis— betrayal by an employer and loss of a job— choosing to trust in God’s provision, rather than his own ability to earn what he needs. He is looking for a new job, but looking to God to supply all his emotional and spiritual needs in Christ Jesus.
I have seen a woman in tears, who has never believed in herself and lived a life in fear, beginning to see that everything that she has is a gift from God, and beginning to truly rely on Him for the emotional support to get through her present circumstances.
I have seen very capable self sufficient men, brought to the end of themselves by the stress of jobs and family responsibilities, men who have lived by always pleasing others to earn acceptance and avoid rejection, beginning to lay down their strategies for living and trusting Christ to do their job, and love their families through them. They are moving from bondage into freedom, from death into life, from self-sufficiency into Christ’s sufficiency and it is a wonderful thing to see.
There are no words to describe the essence of what I see, because it is a work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and minds of the people I meet with. I only listen, and speak the truth as I am led. He does all the work of transforming their minds and convincing their hearts that He is completely trustworthy, present to them, and loves them more than they could ever imagine.
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